Being with my baby

In one of my Baby Mindful classes recently, we were reflecting on the importance of self-care, taking time to just be whilst our babies are resting or content, rather than trying to do. We talked about the importance of savouring the moments when we are both content, just "being" together, rather than trying to do lots of jobs, chores or errands.

And I was reminded of the poem that hangs in my kitchen, beautifully created by my sister-in-law, on the birth of my daughter. It still hangs there and, though my babies are now 7 & 3, it still holds just as much wisdom. To sit and cuddle them, being truly present with each other often feels like a luxury, as homework, household jobs, work all get in the way.

Having had a few days away with them, I was reminded of the sheer joy and pleasure to be taken in truly being with them, not with one eye or thought on something else, but 100% in the moment.

It's not easy to let go and ignore the washing up or the to-do list and there are times when things do need to be done. But, as with most things in life, it's about finding the balance.

You can discover more about Baby Mindful here.