Quiet Spaces
Quiet Spaces
Relaxation CD
A calming selection of meditations to encourage deep rest and reassurance.
This album is full of deep body relaxations which help children feel calm and quiet naturally.
This album is designed to relax children while introducing them to simple stress-management and mindfulness techniques.
The relaxations incorporate breathing exercises, visualisations, muscle relaxations and affirmations.
These proven techniques encourage mental and emotional health and provide tools for children who suffer from sleeping problems, anxiety and stress.
Parents can play this at bedtime or when children need to chill out after school. They can also listen on headphones during travelling.
Quiet Spaces has been used successfully in classrooms and hospitals. It has been used by children to help pain management, during MRI scans and to help them prepare for invasive procedures. Also great for dentist appointments.
This album is also suitable to bring calm to the classroom. It is great for circle-time, after PE lessons or as part of creative writing lessons. It can also be used by therapists, child counsellors and play therapists.
Benefits of using this album:
Improves sleep
Boosts immune system
improves concentration and focus
Improves listening skills
Improves self-esteem and positivity
Improves emotional health and literacy
Improves emotional resilience
Improves creativity and imagination
Improves ability to cope with stress and anxiety
Encourages mindfulness
Suitable for children ages 4-12